Frequently Asked Questions
1. Will having my hands read tell me how long I will live?
Absolutely not! Hand Analysis is not predictive. Having your hands read will not tell you length of life, number of children you will have or any winning lottery numbers either. One of the reasons Palmistry is associated with the age old questions, “When will I die?” and “How many children will I have?” is because hundreds of years ago people typically died much younger than they do now and women often died in childbirth. When people went to a palm reader back then they really needed to know how much time they had left and for women which childbirth might end their life. That is why those two questions became so popular.
2. I’ve never had a palm reading, will you tell me things I don’t want to hear?
When you open your hands to have them read you might feel a little vulnerable wondering what will be revealed, but there is nothing to fear. The information uncovered in your reading is there to help you understand yourself better. Most people report feeling a sense of relief and validation after their readings as well as hope and invigoration for their future.
3. What are the benefits of having a hand reading?
After having your hands read you will have a deeper understanding of your greatest strengths and greatest challenges. For almost every obstacle life presents there is a skill that can overcome it. Your Hand Analysis session will include the skills needed to deal with your specific obstacles. You will walk away with tangible things you can do to improve your life right now.
4. What if I am already living my Purpose how can Hand Analysis help me?
I believe as long as you are still breathing there is something else to be learned and a greater height to be reached. Perhaps your greatest challenge is sustaining an intimate relationship? Or having satisfying interactions with your family? One client I worked with had tons of money and battled with self-esteem issues none-the-less. Hand Analysis helped him separate his self-esteem from how much money he makes, or doesn’t, in other words whether he is rich or loses all his money he is still a valuable person. Hand Analysis is a profound tool for self-awakening and growth whatever level of success you may have achieved.
5. Which hand do you read the right or the left?
To get a complete picture of who you are both hands need to be analyzed. The right hand shows how you interact with the outer world while the left hand reveals your interaction with your intimate world. Work life vs. Home life is another way to look at it and your hands could be completely different so to just analyze one of them would be missing a huge part of the picture.
6. Can I get a palm reading if I don’t live in the Los Angeles area?
Yes you can! Once you schedule a reading a printing kit will be mailed to you with simple instructions on how to make a print of your hands. After everything is mailed back we set up a phone session that records your reading while in progress. You will receive a CD of your Hand Analysis session in the mail.
Meredyth Hunt is an amazing reader. I was very skeptical of this type of thing and was shocked to learn about myself from her reading. She was able to see things that I knew were true, but was not really dealing with. She also was very insightful, seeing my temperment and how I relate to my daughter. She was able to offer suggestions that would improve our relationship.
Cory Jacoby
Window Covering Designer