Hand Analysis is a combination of ancient palm reading and modern fingerprint analysis used to decode your unique Purpose in Life and Lesson to learn.  This is NOT fortune telling. Hand Analysis can’t tell you how long you will live or how many children you will have. Getting your hands read WILL reveal your gift to give humanity and what needs to be learned in order to best give that gift.

How does Hand Analysis work?

We tend to think the same thoughts over and over throughout our lifetime. Whether the thoughts are positive or negative we repeat ourselves.  The pathways in our brain that carry these thoughts become very strong or deeply worn grooves through our mind.  The palm is a map of those pathways.  Whatever you think day after day becomes etched in the palm.  Because our thinking can change the lines in the palm can change. 

Take a look at your palm for a moment.  Can you see how some of the lines are deeper than others?  The deepest lines in your hand are usually the Life Line, Heart Line, and Head Line.

The Life Line tells the story of you how process body information, for example: Do you know when you are too tired and need to rest?

The Heart Line reveals your need in relationships and how you would express that need or not i.e. the stoic husband who just needs a little time alone after work but can’t ask for it.

The Head Line shows how you process information mentally; are you a linear and logical thinker or are you a more creative subjective thinker?

All of the other lines in the palm add to your Personality Story with special gifts and challenges.

What about the Fingerprints?

Fingerprints are formed from 14 to 16 weeks in the womb and never change your entire life!  They are the keys to knowing your Purpose in Life and the Lessons you are here to learn.  Fingerprints tell your Soul Story.

What is My Purpose?

Your highest developed skill. 
The thing you were born to do. 
The work that brings soul satisfaction at its deepest level. 

What is My Lesson?

Your least developed skill.
The thing you are here to learn.
The challenge that will help you achieve your Purpose.

Most people are very excited to learn what their Purpose is, and rightfully so, but it is just as important to understand your Lesson.  Through Lesson experiences we gather the tools to fully realize our Purpose. In other words when we begin to recognize the “mistakes” we make over and over and respond to them differently more Purpose opportunities show up in our lives.  Getting your hands analyzed will give you the tools to manage your “mistakes”.

Yes, I must know my Purpose! Click here to schedule a reading with Meredyth Hunt.

“What I really appreciated most about Meredyth's reading is how clearly she laid out the map of my life. The answers have always been in my hands, but she just read the story between the lines like a seasoned navigator and pointed me in the right direction. No judgment, no embarrassment - just the facts, and for me, facts are freedom. This was a true gift for me and a lift for my spirit,confirmation of things I had always known and surprises that turned on light bulbs. A great combination for self-inquiry.”
Jessica Duquette, Professional Organizer

If you have ever wondered “Why am I here on this planet?”
The answer is closer than you think.

If you have ever felt like you keep running into the same brick wall.
There is a path around it.

If you have ever gazed into the palm of your hand and wondered if all of those lines mean anything? 
You were on to something!

The Map of Who You Are is In Your Hands

2009 MapoftheHand.com. All rights reserved. Website: Madkata Creative